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En el universo de Digimon, Master of Games desata una tempestad de entusiasmo con cuatro preventas exclusivas. Desde cartas poderosas hasta sets ...
Master of Games es mucho más que una tienda de coleccionismo en el centro de Bilbao. Es un refugio para los soñadores, un universo donde la ...
25 products
¡Domina los Vientos de la Tormenta mientras Thundurus y Tornadus se unen en la batalla para mantener a tus oponentes en constante tambaleo! Utiliza Dragon Impact para extraer relámpagos y lluvias torrenciales del aire, y restaura tu energía con la poderosa Habilidad Hurricane Charge de Dragonite, todo mientras aseguras una posición de dominio con la baraja temática Soaring Storm.
Theme Decks
A lightning bolt tears through the blue sky as Corviknight V enters the battle and unleashes Sky Hurricane to envelop your opponent. Additionally, harness Dialga's ability to turn back time and keep the energy in play. On the battlefield, you have the support of Cobalion, Galarian Perrserker, and Ferrothorn, while Shauna allows you to refresh your hand and keep your strategy at its peak.
The formidable Giratina becomes your protector by unleashing its powerful breath, while Mismagius and Dugtrio set in motion to surprise your opponents. Next, Gardevoir steps into action with its stunning double-barreled attack called "Energy Burst." Armed with your skill and cunning, you will lead the Rebellion, steering it toward supremacy in the thrilling battlefield of Pokémon.
Almost instantly, Silcoon evolves into the imposing Beautifly, and with the swift Platinum: Flourish deck, victory becomes your ally. Hordes of Fire and Grass Pokémon eagerly leap into action. The impressive Shaymin allows you to strike enemy Pokémon with "Energy Blow" while also caring for your team by removing damage counters with its "Aromatherapy" ability.
Discover the thrilling Pokémon "Voltage Vortex" deck! This themed deck lets you challenge your opponents with the electric power of Pokémon like Zekrom, Luxray, and Raichu. With impactful attacks and the potential to deal up to 160 damage points, you’ll secure electrifying victories in every battle. Get yours today and dominate the Pokémon world!
With the Explosive Edge deck, you’ll keep your opponents on their toes with relentless attacks. Thanks to Reshiram's powerful Blue Flare and Beartic's fierce Ambush, you’ll defeat enemy Pokémon time after time. Plus, with Chandelure and Arcanine joining the fray with their innovative moves, every victory will be truly extraordinary.
Explore the strategic depth of the Ex Battle Deck Kangaskhan/Greninja in the Pokemon TCG English edition, analyzing its 20 meticulously selected cards for thrilling gameplay. Uncover the unique synergy and recommended strategies that make this deck a compelling choice for both novice and experienced players.
Theme Decks
Prepare the giant flame and ensure a steady supply of fuel for Victini V! Thanks to Chatot, which accumulates additional Fire Energy, and Cinderace, which retrieves cards from the discard pile, you'll have a Fire-type deck ready to ignite quickly and stay blazing. Additionally, Ninetales, Turtonator, and Scorbunny provide extra heat to keep the intensity high.
Theme Decks
Unleash the power of Dragons with the new Pokémon TCG V Battle Decks featuring Rayquaza V and Noivern V. Each deck includes a 60-card ready-to-play deck, reference cards, a playmat, and more to master the game with Fire, Lightning, Psychic, and Darkness energies.
Theme Decks
Mewtwo V strikes with power and then strengthens your other Pokémon by transferring Energy to your Bench. Launch quick attacks with Starmie and Cinccino, boost Energy in play with Indeedee, and let Hatterene switch your Pokémon so you can deliver a colossal blow with Lunatone. Additionally, useful Trainer cards like Lure Module and Egg Incubator help you find the Pokémon that will guide you...
Theme Decks
A mysterious force descends from space with the attack of the Mythical Pokémon Deoxys V. While Drifblim and Claydol maintain tight control over your opponent’s bench, Gardevoir and Cresselia use their Psychic-type abilities to keep your Pokémon energized. And when you need a change of pace, Switch Cart moves your Active Pokémon to the bench to rest!
Inteleon comes with a repertoire of tricks designed to confound your opponents. Use its devastating Hydro Snipe attack to remove Energy from your opponent’s Pokémon, and with Drednaw's Jaw Lock, prevent the enemy from retreating. Master the strategy of dodging and advancing effortlessly towards victory with the Inteleon themed deck!