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Magic The Gathering: Final Fantasy

Theme Decks

Pókemon Trading Card Game Theme Decks

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[ESPAÑOL] Nobles Victorias: Mazo Temático Furious Knights
  • Damaged
In a fierce battle, secure your victory with the Furious Knights themed deck. Emolga’s speed gives you the time to organize your forces, while the resilient Escavalier deals damage while protecting itself. Additionally, Druddigon’s Rough Skin ability will make your opponent think twice about their attacks. Don’t let victory slip away in this blazing fight!
[ESPAÑOL] Nobles Victorias: Mazo Temático Fast Daze
    Take the path to success with the Fast Daze deck! Dazzle your opponents as Accelgor darts in and out of battle in the blink of an eye. Volcarona, with its Fiery Dance, boosts your best attacks with blazing speed, while Lilligant can return your fastest fighters to the fray.
    [ESPAÑOL] TURBOlímite: Mazo Temático Electric Eye
      ¡Desafía a tu oponente con la hipnótica maestría y total concentración de la baraja Electric Eye! Domina los ojos centelleantes de Luxray y asesta rápidos golpes con los puños chispeantes de Electivire. ¡El premio te espera a la vuelta de la esquina!
      [ESPAÑOL] Tormenta Plasma: Mazo Temático Plasma Claw
        When Druddigon charges in with its fierce Dragon Claw attack, lightning strikes and opponents feel its fiery wrath. Infernape fuels the flames of your victory with its Malevolent Fire attack, and no skin can withstand Sharpedo's Rough Skin. As Jellicent draws near, Spiteful Spirit takes control; every opponent will know the truth: the Plasma Claw deck guarantees victory.
        [INGLES] XY: Mazo Temático Resilient Life
          With Resilient Life, you’ll be able to endure, recharge, and counterattack. Xerneas has the ability to find Fairy Energy, and Aromatisse can move it wherever you need it most. Once your Pokémon have Fairy Energy, Slurpuff’s "Sweet Veil" ability protects them from Special Conditions, and the "Fairy Garden" card allows them to retreat for free. Flexible defenses are the key to achieving...
          [INGLES] XY: Mazo Temático Destruction Rush
            [INGLES] XY: Mazo Temático Destruction Rush
              Leave your opponents in the dust with the "Destruction Rush" themed deck! Yveltal recovers lost Energy for a swift comeback with Oblivion Wing and unleashes the devastating Darkness Blade. Krookodile can return a ready-to-battle Pokémon to the bench, and with Malamar’s Mental Panic to keep your opponent’s attacks at bay, retaliation won’t be easy. The rush towards destruction is complete!
                [INGLES] Gardevoir V Battle Deck
                  [INGLES] Gardevoir V Battle Deck
                    Gardevoir V has the ability to convert damage into powerful attacks, forcing your opponent to make tough decisions. Suspicious Food Tin and Clefable ensure a steady flow of healing, while Switch allows you to bring your Pokémon from the Bench at the perfect moment. Additionally, Hawlucha and Dragapult contribute their own attacks to ensure that Gardevoir V’s battle deck overwhelms with total...
                    [ESPAÑOL] Forbidden Light: Mazo Temático Twilight Rogue
                      With Salazzle and Malamar, you gain more cards and Energy, providing you with multiple ways to win with the Twilight Rogue theme deck. Facing a numbers advantage? No problem. Use Dusknoir to force your opponent to play more Basic Pokémon, while Lycanroc deals increased damage when your opponent’s bench is full.
                        [ESPAÑOL] Melmetal V Battle Deck
                          [ESPAÑOL] Melmetal V Battle Deck
                            Boost the amount of Energy in play with Galarian Perrserker and let Magearna refresh your hand completely. Melmetal V charges up and then crashes into your opponent, dealing significant damage. Additionally, enlist the support of attackers like Cobalion and Unfezant. You also have useful Trainer cards such as Lure Module and Egg Incubator to help in finding your Pokémon.
                              [ESPAÑOL] Victini V Battle Deck
                                [ESPAÑOL] Victini V Battle Deck
                                  Prepare the giant flame and ensure a steady supply of fuel for Victini V! Thanks to Chatot, which accumulates additional Fire Energy, and Cinderace, which retrieves cards from the discard pile, you'll have a Fire-type deck ready to ignite quickly and stay blazing. Additionally, Ninetales, Turtonator, and Scorbunny provide extra heat to keep the intensity high.
                                    [ESPAÑOL] Lycanroc V Battle Deck
                                      [ESPAÑOL] Lycanroc V Battle Deck
                                        As day turns to twilight, a green flash lights up the horizon. Now, it’s Lycanroc V’s domain! Partner with this fierce Pokémon V to unleash a devastating Star Fangs attack and recruit the help of Galarian Sirfetch’d, Steelix, and Dugtrio to keep delivering those crucial hits turn after turn. Then, when it’s time for a nighttime snack, let Cook heal your Active Pokémon so the battle can...